About us

Jacob og Karsten Kirk on foraging trip
Jacob and Karsten Kirk scouting for edible mushrooms in autumn 2021.

The Danish Morel Project

The two scientists, biologists Jacob Kirk and Karsten Kirk, jointly developed the method for controlled cultivation of black morels in collaboration with KVL and KU, as mentioned in point two. This section also shows how the research has been financed, including not least that Kunststof Holding ApS has covered all costs of the project from September 2008.

As for the website itself, Jacob Kirk and Karsten Kirk prepared the written material, while the three videos were filmed and edited by Helena Kirk (Helena Kirk ApS) and Lennert Kools (company: Lennert Kools). All photos on the website were taken by Jacob Kirk, Karsten Kirk, Helena Kirk, and Lennert Kools. Helena Kirk also set up the website, while Kristian Kirk prepared the technical drawing of the pallet cultivation system.

Overall Purpose of the Project

The Danish Morel Project is a scientific project dedicated to develop a method for professional cultivation of black morel mushrooms indoors, all year round. Therefore, we do not sell cultivation kits or offer training to private individuals.

Regarding the morel mushrooms that we continuously harvest from our cultivation beds, unfortunately, these are not for sale, partly because our production capacity is quite limited.

Currently, we are in the process of considering how our cultivation method could be utilized commercially. Concurrently, we continue to further optimize the method. You are welcome to follow our progress here on our website, YouTube, or Instagram.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to answer them.

Finally, it’s important for us to emphasize that we greatly appreciate the support and positive inquiries we have received regarding the publication of our morel project.


If you wish to get in touch with us, you are welcome to send an e-mail to the following address:


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